Executive Summary
Beginning in 1993, the Ethics Committee (the Committee) developed a series of white papers that are available through the OPTN website. In 2014, the Committee began a systematic review of these white papers to evaluate if each of the white papers were accurate and relevant, and therefore valuable resources for the transplant community. The white paper addressing split versus whole liver transplantation (2004) was determined to require revision.
Over the past year, the committee completed a substantive revision of the white paper addressing split liver allocation, which includes recommendations for changes to the liver allocation, an extensive set of citations, new appendices, and new illustrations.
Read the full proposal. (PDF - 180 K)
UNOS and OPTN member impact summary

Project size/Complexity
UNOS and member
Implementation hours for UNOS and members are minimal.
Ongoing annual hours for UNOS and members are minimal.
Project size = Very Small