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Learn about KDPI

How Kidney Donor Profile Index is calculated and used

The Kidney Donor Risk Index (KDRI) combines a variety of donor factors to summarize the risk of graft failure after kidney transplant into a single number. The KDRI expresses the relative risk of kidney graft failure for a given donor compared to the median kidney donor; values exceeding 1 have higher expected risk than the median donor, and vice versa.

The KDPI is a remapping of the KDRI onto a cumulative percentage scale, such that a donor with a KDPI of 80% has higher expected risk of graft failure than 80% of all kidney donors recovered last year and can be used to compute KDPI and KDRI for a hypothetical or actual donor. The calculations and assumptions mirror those used for computing KDPI and KDRI in DonorNet®.

  • If diabetes or hypertension statuses are unknown, the calculator will assume the donor has the same chance as a randomly selected donor having the condition.
  • If HCV status is unknown, the calculator will assume the donor is negative for HCV.

KDPI calculator

The KDPI is used in combination with EPTS to match some kidney donors and recipients.
Learn more about EPTS.