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Ad Hoc Disease Transmission Advisory Committee

The Ad Hoc Disease Transmission Advisory Committee (DTAC) considers issues related to the transmission of disease through organ transplantation. The Committee examines potential disease transmission cases reported to the OPTN in an effort to confirm transmissions where possible. It reviews aggregate data on cases to assess the risk of donor disease transmission in organ transplantation in the U.S. with the goal of providing (1) education and guidance to the transplant community toward preventing future disease transmission and (2) input in developing policy to improve the safety of organ donation through the reduction of donor derived transmission events. It may identify disease-transmission related patient safety issues to be addressed, as appropriate, by the OPTN.

Compiled by the Ad Hoc Disease Transmission Advisory Committee (DTAC), see the latest information known for minimizing the risk of donor-derived COVID-19 transmission while maximizing donor utilization. DTAC has committed to reviewing the document quarterly.

Current Projects


Board approved and pending implementation


chair icon Chair
  • Dr. Stephanie M Pouch
  • Emory University Hospital
vicechair icon Vice Chair
  • Dr. Rachel A Miller
  • Duke University Hospital
liaison icon Liaison
Members Organization Position End Term Date
Dr. Maheen Abidi University of Colorado Hospital/Health Science Center At Large 6/30/2026  
Oyedele Adeyi General Public Region 7 At Large 6/30/2027  
Dr. Sridhar V Basavaraju Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, HHS Ex Officio (non voting) 6/30/2025  
Dr. Gerald J Berry General Public Region 5 At Large 6/30/2026  
Dr. Lara Danziger-Isakov Children's Hospital Medical Center Ex Officio 6/30/2025  
Dr. Cynthia Fisher University of Washington Medical Center At Large 6/30/2025  
Riki Graves General Public Region 4 At Large 6/30/2026  
Anna L Hughart Mayo Clinic Hospital Minnesota At Large 6/30/2026  
Dr. Shirish Huprikar Mount Sinai Medical Center At Large 6/30/2027  
Jaskiran Kaur Southwest Transplant Alliance At Large 6/30/2025  
Dr. Ian T Kracalik Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, HHS Ex Officio (non voting) 6/30/2028  
Dr. Dong Heun Lee University of California San Francisco Medical Center At Large 6/30/2027  
Dr. Marilyn E Levi Division of Transplantation, HHS Ex Officio (non voting) 6/30/2026  
Dr. Gabriel Maine Histocompatibility Laboratory at Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital At Large 6/30/2027  
Kelsey McDavid Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, HHS Ex Officio (non voting) 6/30/2025  
Kala Rochelle Division of Transplantation, HHS Ex Officio (non voting) 6/30/2026  
Dr. Marty T Sellers Tennessee Donor Services At Large 6/30/2025  
Tanvi Sharma Boston Children's Hospital At Large 6/30/2026  
Fernanda Silveira University of Pittsburgh Medical Center At Large 6/30/2027  
Dr. Pooja Singh Thomas Jefferson University Hospital At Large 6/30/2027  
Irma Sison General Public Region 5 Ex Officio 6/30/2025  
Dr. Helen S Te University of Chicago Medical Center At Large 6/30/2025  
Dr. Anil J Trindade Vanderbilt University Medical Center At Large 6/30/2025  
Dr. Lorenzo N Zaffiri General Public Region 5 At Large 6/30/2025  

reports to the board

Looking for something else? Contact us at or (804) 782-4800. We maintain an archive of historical OPTN documents.